Feinstein is definitely not related to Einstein

Apparently, Senator Dianne “Every Cause Requires Federal Action” Feinstein has realized that a carbon tax would create revenue.


My favorite parts of the article include:

“Her plans follow President Obama’s SOTU call for “market based solutions to climate change,” and a growing consensus among experts in favor of using the taxation system to control carbon dioxide emissions.”  (Wait, what?  Market based solutions to climate change = taxation system?)

“By increasing the price of fossil fuel in the market…
It levels the playing field between carbon-based fuels and renewable fuels, such as wind and solar, making renewables more competitive and attractive to consumers and investors.
A portion of the “dividend” (the carbon “fee” proceeds) would be refunded to US residents.”  (this is completely unsubstantiated by Feinstein, Boxer or Sanders, but “hey look, voters — free money for you” — never mind that you are going to pay for your free money in higher energy costs, and it won’t actually level the playing field… it is just a trillion-plus dollars in government revenue to spend on more pork projects and vote-buying from people that stupidly believe Dianne is “doing something”).

“Similar schemes have been implemented in British Columbia, Sweden and Ireland with some success.”  (um… some success? so not actual measurable success?)

“Feinstein’s proposal was short on details” (shocker!)

“Presumably Feinstein feels it’ll be more palatable to start at a lower level and gradually phase in a higher tax over several years.” (The first step is always the hardest.  But once the tax is there it is much easier to raise it as needed.)

“…maybe a fee on the use of carbon to replace our deficit, our debt.” (Ah, that’s sweet… she cares about the environment and the debt… so the environment is going to be taxed to pay for the debt, rather than actually level the playing field for alternative energy?  I’m confused.  What is the purpose of this bill?  Save the planet, or pay for other government programs and debts?)

On Keystone her basis for opposition is based on information that “I’m told”  and what “Some people say”.  Now that is scientific evidence at its best.

Finally, she asks her audience to read the 2009 article on National Geographic about CANADA’S oil sands project.  So, of course, the answer to Canada’s environmental choices is to tax carbon in the US.

Senator Dianne Feinstein is an embarrassment and is obviously EASILY manipulated by anyone with a cause (preferably someone with disturbing pictures!).

Make no mistake, Dianne is not solving ANY problems with this proposal.  She just wants more government revenue with the extra benefit of a “small dividend” paid back to voters.    Well, that and she needs campaign cash from the environmentalist lobby and believers.

It must be that San Francisco is playing a joke on the rest of the country by sending such “geniuses” like Dianne, Barbara and Nancy to DC.  Silicon Valley can’t be this stupid.

Or, perhaps, residents in San Francisco are truly geniuses by sending their most mentally handicapped leaders to a federal institution (well-known for lunacy), so that they can create fewer problems locally.

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1 Response to Feinstein is definitely not related to Einstein

  1. Follow-up snark: Perhaps the carbon tax can help pay Dianne’s family for high-speed rail from nowhere to nowhere.


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